Activity #6 Getting Started with Angular

To get started with Angular, first download and install Node.js.

To install the Angular CLI, open your command prompt and type npm install -g @angular/cli

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To create a new Angular project, first create a folder, then type "cmd" in the folder's search bar to open a command prompt. Finally, type ng new jerome-angular-app in the command prompt.

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To run the Angular app, use the command ng serve in the project directory.

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To make your first change, open src/app/index.html in any text editor of your choice

Okay, here's how you can paste the output of your change:

  1. Open src/app/index.html: You'll find this file within your Angular project's folder structure.

  2. Replace the existing content: Inside the <body> tags, you'll likely see some default text. Delete this and paste the following:

    This is The GitHub Link